Taking care of your mind, body and soul.

My teaching philosophy is to inspire, to connect and empower you to live a more soulful and inspired practice.


Movement & Mentorship for those seeking to grow & step into their own uniqueness. 


I hold space for you, where every moment and movement is an opportunity to learn and grow.


 Ways to Work with Me

Mentorship Program

The Platinum Crucible is a mentorship program to support your development as a pilates teacher

Allow me to support you, in holding space for others, with a strong sense of teaching from your truth, from a place of freedom, creativity and flow.

An 8 week fully supported mentorship program, where I will guide you through a process of self reflection, meeting you wherever you’re at on your teaching journey. You will learn valuable strategies, build trust in your work and develop a deeper understanding of connection.



I’m sharing a movement practice designed by Mr J H Pilates. What I share is not fancy, elitist, or performance based.

It’s honest. It’s transformative.

We practise, we connect, we move in a way that feels good. Collectively we build a relationship and trust in our bodies, our minds and our spirit. We are better for it.

“Be fearless, because the world needs what you have to give”

~ E I L E E N A N G L I N