A holistic mentorship program for Pilates Teachers wanting to dive deep into understanding Self and their unique voice, becoming fully resourced. 

Do any of these resonate?

  • Are you a Teacher ready to level up? (Let’s upgrade the system, YOU!) 

  • Do you need inspiration and guidance on your teaching Journey? (no swimming solo, connection is needed in our community) 

  • Are you stuck in your teaching and need a new perspective? (no, you don’t need another training program) 

  • How would it feel to teach (and show up) from a place of truth, clarity and passion? (no lesson planning, clock watching or burnout)


You've taken various training programs, you have the skills to teach The Method, you have the foundation of over 800 exercises. 

You more than likely have an understanding of the full 360 studio from the mat to the array of apparatus. You love your playground. You are influenced everywhere, teachers, books, social media, online, in person, workshops, courses, like me I imagine you are a magpie to all things movement.  Me too.

There’s a lot of searching, I know, I've done it, and  I will never stop learning, questioning, playing and  being interested, it’s feathered my pilates nest. We all have a unique teaching thumbprint, all from one body of work by the man himself Mr J H Pilates. So much has been derived and transcribed since the 1920's when Joseph and Clara opened their "Body Conditioning Gym" in New York City.

There is so much out there today, so many thumbprints, we are all valid, all expressions and interpretations welcome.

"Mutual support can help all of us. Connection is much needed in our community. Diminishing the sense that as Pilates Teachers we are solo swimmers, I want to encourage a more collective awareness, more a world of support, care and kindness." ~ Jen Day

Let me help guide you to find your unique voice as a teacher, connecting to a deeper understanding of you.

To elevate your everyday teaching (and life), learning to live and thrive within an energetic universe, banishing self doubt. Learning to teach from your truth, your power. When your heart and mind are aligned with your higher self, life opens up to a world of possibilities. Every obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow. Our teaching elevates, our connections deepen and life flows. Let me help you be the best version of you.

I can help support you, in holding space for others, with a strong sense of teaching from your truth, from a place of freedom, power, creativity and flow.

The Program


The Platinum Crucible Program initially is an 8 week fully supported mentorship program, where I will guide you through a process of self reflection, meeting you wherever you’re at on your teaching journey. You will learn valuable strategies, build trust in your work, develop a deeper understanding of connection, creativity and flow. Is it time to elevate your teaching and dive deep into understanding your own unique journey, your value and your direction. This journey is about YOU, it's about personal growth, inner work and a pause from external validation, sourcing and searching, a turn inwards. My program aims to liberate you and inspire you to teach from a place of freedom.

It's from the heart and strays far beyond any manual.


Why I’ve created this…

Through my own healing journey, alongside fifteen years of teaching experience running a full time studio, I’ve come to realise my superpower is Connection.  I work on many levels with people, physically, emotionally and energetically. I hold space for people to be themselves. Healing means wholeness ~ Healing is about discovering the vitality, power and passion within you. The Body is always speaking to us. Our body is designed to thrive and heal, only sometimes the mind gets in the way. Even for teachers of movement. 

The truth is, we cannot help others by hiding our brilliance. Only when we allow ourselves to unfold and reveal the depth of our heart, that inner brilliance within each of us, can we ever hope to walk through life as the empowered beings we are meant to be.



Why The Platinum Crucible? 

A platinum crucible is used to melt other compounds in. It has an extremely high melting point, making it super resistant to chemical corrosion. The melting point is 1768 degrees C so it can be heated to extremely high temperatures  without having to worry about the crucible melting.

A Platinum Crucible was given to me by my father back in 2009 when I had hit rock bottom. Suffice to say, I had lost my way.  I had lost my identity, motherhood was overwhelming, and I found myself on my own with two little spirited boys, my marriage had ended after a beautiful eighteen years together.

One hopeful spring day, Dad 'gifts' me this beaten, tarnished looking bowl, in a plastic zip lock bag (it was his way of showing love). He said, 'Darling, it's platinum, go and sell it, it's worth a bit' ~ (I was thinking, he has lost the plot, it looked totally worthless.)

But, I took it to Hatton Gardens in London. Unlike a pro, I nervously approached a buyer and I accepted his  first offer ( I probably should have shopped around a bit) . I was OVER THE MOON, and very nervous about carrying a large sum of cash through the streets of London. I walked from Hatton Gardens to Great Russell Street, to Body Control Pilates and handed over almost the EXACT amount in cash for my first ever pilates training program.

D E T A I L S . . .

I decided to call this project The Platinum Crucible for many reasons, but second to my story, I like to think that we as Pilates teachers are Platinum Crucibles. We hold space for others, we and our studios are the container, we invite folk to be held in our spaces safely and securely, a place for truth and vulnerability. How can I support you and your crucible, in holding space for others with a strong sense of teaching from your truth.

What’s Included…

Eight Weeks to dive in deep. Each week we will explore the principles of The Crucible.  To kick off, a 1:1 chat to get to know you and where you're at on your journey. Each week online we will meet for 2 hours, a small group (max 6 people) ~ every session will begin with a check in via meditation, followed by a short movement practice, before we open the forum to explore and dive in. You will be given access to The Platinum Crucible guide, full of valuable strategies, insights and wisdom. Once the program is completed, there will be an opportunity to extend your mentorship with me to fully integrate the work into your teaching.

The Modules

I have split the course into 7 modules, using
P-I-L-A-T-E-S as an acronym for this body of work.
To view the different elements we will be exploring, simply click the + icon to view more info on each module.

  • The power of self awareness

    We are human first and foremost, to lean into your greatest potential you need to be grounded in who you are. Developing, tweaking your attitude and behaviour so your teaching style becomes more congruent with who you are. This congruence will also make a world of difference to the people you are teaching, the quality of your work and beyond.

  • Guiding you to trust your inner voice

    We deal with the known through logic, and deal with the unknown through intuition. If we want to be more creative and connect on a deeper level, create flow and ease in our teaching we have to focus, not on what we know, but on what we don’t know.

  • Let’s observe our language. How do we truly communicate?

    Words have the energy and power to help, to heal, to hinder and to humble. Relaying our message in a clear, powerful way is fundamental in our teaching. Clean, concise, carefully chosen language, without all the fluff. Our words are a small part of our communication, the pitch and tone of our voice, the speed and rhythm of our words and the pauses between the words may express more than what is being communicated by words alone. Further, our gestures, posture and expressions convey a variety of subtle signals. These non verbal elements are particularly important for communicating.

  • Are you true to your own personality, values and spirit?

    When we give ourselves permission to be ourselves, we can live free from others' ideas and expectations, and we can choose our own course in life. Being authentic is living your life according to your own values and goals, rather than those of other people. When you're authentic, you also have integrity.

  • No trust, no partnership, no healing. Let's look at how we build trust.

    There seems to be this hidden rule that we as teachers have all the answers, that we can fix a bad back, cure a stooped posture, unstick a sticky hip, solve the mystery of a nagging elbow pain. In truth we probably can (shh don't tell anyone) , but we need to build trust in order to begin any healing process. We will explore: Boundaries Reliability Accountability Confidentiality Integrity Non judgement Generosity

  • Learning to teach from flow state.

    Giving something your focus without spending all your energy. Moving around the studio without too much tension. Teaching without over exertion. This is the essence of effort without extra effort. How can you create effortless effort in your teaching? What can you let go of, stand back from, give less, in order to find space to give more?

    Acting in effortless effort requires trust in the path you’re on, trust in the actions you take, trust in the people you meet, trust in your own process, and trust that everything will unfold exactly as it should.

  • Your strengths can be your greatest asset.

    What are your strengths? Are you using them on a regular basis? Maybe you haven’t stopped to think about yours in a while, maybe you take them for granted because they are as natural as breathing? Finding your strengths means awakening latent potential. Designing your teaching pathway with your core strengths is key. Understanding your strengths as a teacher and stepping into that power is transformational.

“Jen is the top of her game, what I mean is you always get Jen, her authentic self. It's a wonder to be around her unique perspective and self awareness.”



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