My Why

Rothko said “Painting is not about an experience, it is an experience”

My background was very much submerged in Art. Eventually weaving became my meditation and colour became my pure joy. I am a magpie for texture, form, detail, contrast and colour. I have an honours degree from St.Martins School of Art. Today I am a Pilates Teacher and Mentor, seems like I’ve digressed a little from my original plan…

Not really. I have been weaving my own magic. Today I am following a childlike instinct without following the guidelines of overbearing instruction. I am teaching instinctively and creatively. I am eliminating barriers between audience and canvas, between teacher and student. It hasn’t always been like this.

I have learnt, like making a piece of fabric the ‘end’ result you see is born out of a long journey of exploration and huge mistakes. As a weaver you are very much behind the scenes, I am an introvert through and through. I sat behind a loom and created something out of nothing. There was no Ego just a desire to create. Not even an end goal.

And so today as a teacher of movement I am creating something out of nothing. My Canvas is The Method born from a creative genius - Joseph Pilates, and day in day out I invite you to come and make your own brush strokes. I am fascinated by the process. And it is a process like creating Art, it is a passion and a faith.

We are embodied beings. From the moment we are born our bodies are essential to our learning, growth and relationships with others. Throughout our lives, our bodies and movements communicate much more clearly than our words. Pilates is embodied movement, a conscious, mindful practise creating space with the body, engaging with our creative movement potential.

Seeing. Process. Transformation. Results that never stop engaging me as a teacher. Pilates provides us with endless diversions and freedom from our everyday concerns. Immersion in Weaving and Pilates has given me freedom. And this I believe is my Why.


The Platinum Cucible